Sunday 18 September 2016

Windows Of Compassion


The appreciation, even
fellow-feeling of the winged fantail
for the winged gnat it snaps from
the air; that is worth sitting
and considering.

The intense consideration
the shimmering-winged kestrel gives
to a sunbaking skink, edging from the grass,
is like a mother's love for a moment,
a near holy thing.

The keen appreciation
the fox has in raising its pointed nose to the winds
could have you thinking it was an artistic connoisseur
in love with the nuances of
movement in the air.

The way the raging ocean approaches
the shore, breaking to waves on its knees, self lessening,
could be a lesson in humilty, in self put aside, if it was not
for its sure and steady gnawing at cliffs,
eating lands away.

September 19, 2015 on Facebook

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